Product Carbon Footprint

Evaluate the carbon footprint of your products over their Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

We measure the carbon footprint associated with the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of your products and services

Measuring the product carbon footprint is a strategic step towards reducing the climate impact associated with the goods and services provided by an organization.

The carbon footprint of the product allows to quantify the carbon emissions of the good or service along their entire Life Cycle Assessment, from the extraction of raw materials, procurement of materials, production, transport and use, up to final disposal (from cradle to grave).

The calculation is carried out rigorously according to the international standard ISO 14067 and the standards of the ISO 14040 series that govern the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of products.

At the end of the measurement, the company will have a document prepared by a third party containing an analytical report of the carbon emissions associated with the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of its products which will form the basis of reference for defining a strategy for improving the environmental quality of the goods and services and to pursue a carbon neutral corporate policy against climate change. We measure the carbon footprint associated with the life cycle of your products and services.

Measuring the product carbon footprint is a strategic step towards reducing the climate impacts associated with the goods and services provided by an organization.

Our product carbon footprint measurement services include:

  • Product life cycle analysis in compliance with ISO 14067 and ISO 14040 standards
  • Preparation of the inventory and quantification of carbon emissions
  • Identification of areas of improvement and definition of strategies and objectives for the reduction of carbon emissions associated with the life cycle of the product or for the offsetting of emissions that cannot be reduced
  • Editing of the corporate carbon footprint GHG Report
  • Assistance in ISO 14067-1 certification process

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