Your partner for climate protection

Neutrality is the bravest choice

Measure, reduce, compensate and communicate

We offer companies climate action solutions: from corporate and product carbon footprints, to climate action strategies all the way to climate neutral communication and advertising with the support of international carbon offset projects.

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Our services for fighting against climate change.

Our goal is to support organizations to integrate climate commitments into their development agendas to achieve full carbon neutrality.

Product Carbon Footprint

Evaluate the carbon footprint of your products over their Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

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Corporate Carbon Footprint

Discover the level of carbon emissions associated with your business

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Carbon Emission Reduction

Aim at Net Zero Carbon Emissions Goal

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Carbon Offsetting

Make your company and your products carbon neutral

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Environmental Communication

Communicate your climate commitments fairly and transparently

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Zero Emissions Advertising

Advertising is an important part of your brand, make it carbon neutral.

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